
Google’s Perspective on Guest Posting

Katie Piper
Updated on: 18-Sep-2024

Guest posting, a popular method in content marketing and SEO, has seen varying levels of endorsement and scrutiny from Google over the years. Understanding Google's current perspective on guest posting is crucial for marketers and content creators aiming to enhance their SEO efforts without falling foul of Google's guidelines.

Google’s Guidelines on Link Schemes and Guest Blogging

Google has been explicitly clear about its stance on link schemes, which are manipulations or attempts to manipulate a site's ranking in Google search results. According to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link.

Guest blogging, specifically for the purpose of building links in a way that disregards the quality of the links, the content, or the consequences, is explicitly cited as a link scheme. This means that low-effort guest blogging that generates links from poorly written or irrelevant articles can harm a site’s SEO rather than help it.

Insights from Google Spokespeople: Emphasis on Quality

John Mueller, a well-known Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, frequently addresses questions about guest posting in his Google Webmaster Central hangouts. He emphasizes that guest posts should offer genuine value to readers and should not be created solely for the purpose of gaining links. Content should be relevant, beneficial, and informative. Mueller advises against mass distribution of generic articles and suggests that any links within guest posts should be natural and editorially justified.

Matt Cutts, although no longer with Google, made significant comments in the past that shaped the understanding of guest posting. He warned that if the bulk of your inbound links come from guest posts, and those posts contain keyword-rich anchor text, it could signal to Google that the links were not obtained in a natural way.

Google's Recent Updates and Recommendations

Google updates its algorithms frequently to ensure that users receive the most relevant and high-quality content. Recent updates continue to emphasize the importance of content quality. Google has increasingly used AI and machine learning technologies to understand the context and quality of content more deeply.

In line with these updates, Google's guidance stresses that anyone engaging in guest posting should focus on creating informative, well-researched articles that enhance the reader's experience and provide genuine value. The company suggests that website owners should vet their guest authors and only accept content that meets the site's editorial standards.


In summary, Google does not outright ban guest posting but strongly regulates its use for SEO to ensure that practices do not become abusive. The emphasis remains consistently on quality over quantity. For those looking to engage in guest posting, the message is clear: prioritize creating valuable, insightful, and high-quality content that serves the reader first. This approach not only aligns with Google’s guidelines but also ensures that your content strategy remains future-proof against ongoing algorithm updates.


