
Term & Conditions

This Agreement is made between you and ReputePost. It governs your use of the Services. By accessing and using any of the Services offered by ReputePost, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be legally bound by the Terms and Conditions outlined below. Your use of the Services signifies your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions from that point forward.

You also acknowledge that you have read and understood the Acceptable Use Policy of PayPal and agree not to engage in any prohibited activities as listed therein.

By using ReputePost's services, you agree to the Acceptable Use Policy, Terms of Service, and legal documentation of VISA, Mastercard, Amex, PayPro, Discover, Braintree, and other payment processing or gateway providers utilized by ReputePost.

Our service must not be used for unlawful purposes or to promote illegal activities. By engaging with ReputePost, you commit to complying with all applicable laws related to your online conduct and content.

You are solely responsible for ensuring your actions in connection with ReputePost's services comply with all relevant laws, irrespective of the use's purpose.

If you disagree with these Terms, the Acceptable Use Policy, or any part thereof, please refrain from using the Services.

ReputePost reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to users. The current version of the Terms and Conditions will apply each time you use the Services. It is your responsibility to regularly review the most updated version of these Terms and Conditions available on ReputePost.

By continuing to use ReputePost, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policies, and Acceptable Use Policies of ReputePost and all associated payment providers.

ReputePost reserves the right to terminate the partnership with any registered user if evidence of bad faith is found.

1. Interpretation

Administration: The support team of ReputePost.

Account: A unique profile created by a user on ReputePost.

User: Anyone using ReputePost's services.


A Publisher/Seller on ReputePost is an individual or entity that registers on the platform with the intention of offering digital marketing services. After registration, the Publisher/Seller adds websites to ReputePost, which then undergo a moderation process. ReputePost's support team evaluates these websites against specific criteria, and once approved, the websites are listed on the marketplace page. 

Publisher/Sellers can offer three distinct services, each with its own pricing set by the seller:

1.Content Placement: This service involves the Publisher/Seller posting content provided by the buyer onto their website as is, without modifications. It enables buyers to get their content hosted on relevant, quality websites to enhance their online presence.

2. Content Creation & Placement: Here, the Publisher/Seller is responsible for both creating an article that meets the buyer's requirements and posting this content on their website. This service is ideal for buyers looking for high-quality, tailored content to be professionally integrated into reputable websites.

3. Link Insertion: In this service, the Publisher/Seller incorporates a link provided by the buyer into an existing page on their website. The link is to be included as a 'do-follow', ensuring it contributes to the buyer's SEO efforts by passing on link equity.

Each of these services is designed to meet different digital marketing needs, allowing for flexibility and customization for both buyers and sellers on ReputePost.


A Buyer/Adevertiser on ReputePost is a user who engages in acquiring digital marketing services offered by Publishers/Sellers on the platform. These services include but are not limited to:

1. Content Placement: Buyers can purchase this service to have their pre-written content published on a seller’s website exactly as provided.

2. Content Creation & Placement: This service enables buyers to commission sellers to write and publish articles tailored to specific requirements on the seller's website.

3. Link Insertion: Buyers select this service to have a backlink seamlessly integrated into an existing page or article on the seller’s website as a do-follow link.

Buyers navigate the ReputePost marketplace to identify and transact with Sellers who offer the most suitable websites and services to meet their digital marketing and SEO objectives, thereby fostering effective collaborations within the platform’s ecosystem.

2. Eligibility

To register on ReputePost, you must be at least sixteen (16) years old. By creating an account, you affirm that all provided information is honest and correct, and you commit to keeping it accurate. You acknowledge and consent that ReputePost will process your information following our Privacy Policy. 

Accounts on ReputePost are strictly personal and cannot be transferred, assigned, or sold to another party under any conditions.

3- Account Registration

To access ReputePost's Services, you must create a personal user account ("Account"). It is essential to provide accurate, complete, and up-to-date information during registration and to maintain its accuracy by updating your Account as necessary.
When choosing a username, avoid names that: (a) Belong to someone else with the intention of pretending to be that person, (b) Are protected by someone else's rights without proper authorization, or (c) are in any way offensive, vulgar, or obscene.
You are solely responsible for all activities conducted under your Account and for securing your account password.
Using another person's account or registration information for the Services without their explicit permission is strictly prohibited.
Immediate notification to ReputePost is required if you discover any security breach or unauthorised use of your Account. Under no circumstances should you share, publish, or distribute your login details.

4. Terms and Conditions for Buyers/Advertisers

4.1. Buyers select a platform for advertising based on the listings provided by Publishers on ReputePost and submit their advertising requirements accordingly.

4.2. An order will be automatically rejected in the following scenarios:

  • It remains in the "Placed Orders" status for more than 7 days and is not being accepted by Publisher/ Seller.

  • It has been in the "In Progress Orders" status for more than 14 days without any attempt from the Publisher/ Seller to deliver it for the Buyer's approval which shows under your “Delivered Orders” tab on the order page.

4.3. Buyers have the right to request the rejection of an Order which is “in progress” if all the following conditions are met:

  • The Order has been in progress for at least 5 days.

  • The Publisher has not responded to the Buyer's messages.

  • There are no indications of the Publisher working on the Order.

4.4. In disputes where Order conditions may be subject to multiple interpretations, they will be resolved in favour of the Publisher.

4.5. All communications between Buyers and Publishers are securely stored on ReputePost Data Centers and may be utilized by the Administration to resolve disputes.

4.6. All details concerning Orders and payments made by Buyers to Publishers are confidential and shall not be disclosed.

4.7. Buyers are required to review the Order completed by the Publisher within 7 calendar days from the notification. If not reviewed within this period, the Order will automatically proceed to administrative review and approval on the 8th day.

4.8. Buyers may not request Order revisions from Publishers to address issues not initially specified in the Order requirements.

4.9. If the content delivered by the Seller does not fulfill the specifications or standards outlined in the initial Order agreement, the Buyer is entitled to reject this content and send it back to the Seller.
If a buyer returns content for revision more than three times or fails to provide revision conditions within three days, the publisher may request that the administration consider the order completed and proceed with payment transfer.

4.10. The buyer cannot change Order requirements after the Seller/Publisher has begun the task and must clarify any Order details through ReputePost's internal messaging system.

4.11. Once content is published and paid for, it cannot be changed. This rule makes sure the content stays as it was originally agreed upon.

4.12. By utilizing ReputePost’s services, the buyer agrees to pay a commission. This fee helps cover the administrative and operational costs incurred by ReputePost in facilitating the services provided.


  • Reservation of Payment: When a buyer creates an order and sends it to the publisher, the payment amount for that order is reserved or held in the buyer's balance. This means the amount is deducted from the buyer’s available funds but is not yet transferred to the publisher. It ensures that the funds are available to be paid to the publisher once the order requirements are fulfilled.
  • Completion and Payment Transfer: After the order has been completed to the buyer's satisfaction and formally approved by the buyer, the reserved payment is then transferred from the reserved balance of the buyer to the main balance of the publisher. This finalizes the transaction, crediting the publisher for the completed work.


4.14.1. If you deposit the minimum required amount (e.g., $25) and then withdraw it shortly after, this may lead to a temporary restriction on your account.

4.14.2. If your balance is insufficient when you attempt to create an order, you will need to top up your account to meet the minimum balance requirement which is $25 USD.


Inactivity Policy

At ReputePost, we aim to maintain an active and engaging community for all users. To manage resources effectively and support active users, we have implemented an inactivity policy:

  • Account Inactivity: If you do not log in to your ReputePost account for a continuous period of 180 days (approximately 6 months), your account will be considered inactive.
  • Inactive Account Fee: Upon reaching the 180-day inactivity threshold, any remaining funds in your account will be charged off as an inactive fee. This means the funds will be removed from your account.

Purpose of the Inactive Fee: This policy helps us optimize resource allocation and manage the upkeep of dormant accounts. It encourages regular engagement and ensures that our services remain efficient and relevant to active users.

To avoid the inactive fee, please ensure that you log into your account periodically, at least once every six months. This will keep your account active and your funds secure.

5. Terms and Conditions for Publishers:



Publishers are expected to promptly review and respond to order offers from buyers to maintain an efficient marketplace. Under this policy:

  • Review Period: Publishers are required to review and consider any order offers they receive within 5 days of receipt.
  • Action Requirement: Within this timeframe, publishers should either accept, reject, or request further clarification on the order to proceed.


  1. Acceptance Delay: If an order remains in the "Your Acceptance" status for more than three working days without a response from the publisher, it is automatically rejected. This measure ensures that publishers promptly address incoming orders.

  2. Progress Stagnation: If an order is marked as "In Progress" but no significant steps towards completion are recorded for more than ten calendar days, and the publisher hasn't attempted to submit the order for the buyer’s approval, it will be automatically rejected. This rule helps maintain momentum and reduces delays in order fulfillment.



Order Rejection Due to Fraud or Disputes

At ReputePost, the integrity of transactions within our marketplace is paramount. To uphold this standard, our team retains the authority to reject an order at any stage of its lifecycle, including when it is:

  • In Progress: While the publisher is actively working on the order.
  • Buyer's Approval: Awaiting confirmation or feedback from the buyer.
  • Improvement: Undergoing modifications after initial feedback.
  • Completed: After all parties have ostensibly fulfilled their roles.

Grounds for Rejection:

  • Detected Fraud: If any fraudulent activity is suspected or identified in the transaction.
  • Opened Dispute: If there is an ongoing dispute between the buyer and the publisher that affects the order.

5.3. Upon accepting an offer from a Buyer, Publishers are obligated to fulfill the Order as specified.

5.4. The completed Order must meet the Buyer's specified requirements.

5.5. Publishers set the rates for the services they offer and ReputePost adds a commission to the prices set by publishers. This commission covers administrative costs, platform maintenance, and supports the continuous development of the platform's features and services.


Refunds and Account Freezing for Non-Compliance or Deleted Content

At ReputePost, we ensure that all transactions meet the specified requirements agreed upon by both buyers and publishers. If an issue arises with an order, here's how it is handled:

  • Refund Due to Non-Compliance or Deleted Content: If the content delivered by a publisher does not meet the buyer's specified requirements or if the paid content is found to have been deleted post-approval:
    • Refund Issued: The buyer's fees will be refunded if the publisher's account holds sufficient funds to cover the refund amount.

  • Insufficient Funds in Publisher’s Account:
    • Account Freeze: If the publisher's account balance is not enough to cover the required refund, the administration may freeze the publisher's account. This action is taken to secure funds while clarifying the circumstances surrounding the non-compliance or deletion of content.


Restrictions on Modifying Approved Content and Adding Unsanctioned Elements

At ReputePost, once an order's content is published and approved by a buyer, the following rules apply:

  • No Changes Allowed: Any modifications to the content that has been approved by the buyer are strictly prohibited. This rule ensures that the integrity and expectations set for the delivered content are maintained post-approval.

  • Prohibition on Adding Unsolicited Elements: Publishers are not permitted to insert any additional links, advertisements, or any other elements that were not explicitly specified by the buyer in the initial order requirements. This maintains the purity and relevance of the content for the buyer's needs.


Order Revision Policy

Right to Request Revisions: On ReputePost, a buyer has the entitlement to request that a publisher redo the delivered order if it does not meet the specified requirements. However, there is a limit to how often a buyer can request revisions:

  • Limit on Revisions: A buyer can request revisions up to three times. After three revisions, the buyer must either accept the order and process the payment or resolve any further disputes through other means.

Publisher's Right to Appeal: If the buyer exceeds the allowed number of revisions or fails to provide necessary feedback for revisions within three calendar days, the publisher can escalate the issue:

  • Appeal Process: The publisher has the right to contact ReputePost's administration to seek approval of the order as completed and to facilitate the transfer of payment. This process is in place to prevent indefinite revision requests and ensure fairness.

5.9. All communicatoin between Buyers and Publishers is stored on the ReputePost server and may be utilized by the Administration in resolving disputes.

All details regarding Orders and payments exchanged between Publishers and Buyers are confidential and not to be disclosed.


Publisher Content and Link Integrity Commitment on ReputePost

Non-Alteration of Content and Links: As a publisher on ReputePost, you are required to maintain the integrity of the content and hyperlinks you publish. This means that once content is published, you must not delete, obscure, or alter any hyperlinks (including the text of the links), nor should you modify the published content in any way that would misrepresent the original information or intention.

Ensuring Accessibility and SEO Compliance: You must also ensure that the content remains accessible to search engine crawlers. This involves not implementing any measures that would prevent crawlers from indexing or following the links, such as using nofollow tags inappropriately or blocking the content with robots.txt restrictions.

Duration of Post Visibility: All content must remain live and unchanged on the designated website for at least 90 days after publication. This duration ensures that the content fulfills its role in any SEO strategies and marketing campaigns, providing sustained value to the buyer.


Account Restrictions: If it is discovered that you, as a publisher, have violated the content and link integrity requirements (such as deleting, masking, or improperly modifying content or links, or hindering search engine indexing), ReputePost reserves the right to take corrective actions against your account.

Potential Actions Include:

  1. Restricting Your Account: Your ability to operate on the platform may be temporarily or permanently limited.
  2. Removing Sites from Inventory: The involved sites may be removed from the marketplace, making them unavailable for future transactions.
  3. Reducing Site Ratings: The ratings for your sites may be lowered, which can affect their visibility and attractiveness to potential buyers.
  4. Withholding Payments: ReputePost may withhold the cost of the affected publications from your balance as compensation for the breach of terms, covering potential damages to the platform's integrity and to the buyers' interests.

5.12. if a publisher's account is suspended or deleted, ReputePost will ensure that any payments for completed orders, which were accepted by the buyer but not yet paid, will be processed and transferred to the publisher within seven days of the account's suspension or deletion. This provision guarantees that publishers receive compensation for their work that has already been approved by buyers, even if their account status changes.


5.13. Upon suspending or terminating a Publisher's account, the Administration will process payments due to the Publisher within 7 days for Orders that were accepted by the Buyer but not yet paid for at the time of account suspension.

5.14. When a buyer creates an order and sends it to a publisher for acceptance, the payment for that order is temporarily held or "reserved" in the publisher's balance. This means the funds are earmarked for that particular transaction but are not yet accessible to the publisher. Once the order is completed and approved by the buyer, the reserved payment is then transferred to the publisher's main balance, where it becomes available for use or withdrawal. The transfer of funds to the main balance is completed within seven days of the order's approval by the buyer, ensuring a timely payment process following the completion of the work.

5.15. Withdrawals are only permitted for orders that have been completed and approved by the buyer, ensuring that funds are only transferred once all obligations are met. It is the responsibility of the publisher to provide accurate payment details when requesting a withdrawal. If a publisher provides incorrect payment details and funds are sent to the wrong address, the transaction is considered final. ReputePost is not responsible for recovering or reissuing payments sent to an incorrect address; therefore, publishers must carefully verify their payment information to avoid any errors.

5.16. ReputePost applies a commission based on the selected payment method when Publishers withdraw funds. This commission structure is designed to cover transaction costs and ensure the continued operation and improvement of the ReputePost platform.

The commission structure for ReputePost is set at 7.9%, which is divided into two components:

  1. Transaction Fee (4%): This portion of the commission is designed to offset the payment processing fees incurred by ReputePost, which can be as high as 5.23% or more with payment processors like PayPal. This 4% fee is applicable to all withdrawals, regardless of the payment method used, ensuring that the cost of transaction processing is adequately covered.

  2. Service Fee (3.9%): This fee is charged to cover the operational costs of ReputePost and is applied to publishers who registered with the platform on or after August 1, 2018. This fee supports the maintenance and development of the platform, enhancing the service provided to both publishers and buyers.


5.17. The minimum payout threshold on ReputePost is set at $50. This means that publishers must accumulate at least $60 in earnings before they can initiate a withdrawal from their account balance. This policy helps streamline the payment process and reduce transaction fees.

5.18. To qualify a website for inclusion in the ReputePost system, it must meet specific criteria outlined in two distinct cases:

  • The website should have more than 10 pages indexed by Google, indicating a substantial content presence.
  • It should generate over 2,000 organic traffic as reported by Ahrefs, reflecting its visibility and popularity.
  • It must have a Domain Authority (DA) or Domain Rating (DR) of at least 15, demonstrating a minimum level of influence and reliability.
  • The MOZ Spam Score must be 30% or less, ensuring the site's credibility and safety.
  • Websites hosted on free web-hosting services are not allowed, to ensure stability and professional presence.
  • The content must be unique, readable, and updated frequently to engage visitors continually.
  • Advertising must be non-intrusive and limited, ensuring it does not overwhelm or detract from the user experience. The site should avoid excessive pop-ups, pop-unders, click-unders, etc.
  • The number of outgoing links must be reasonable and not give the appearance of a spammy or link farm site.

Additional Compliance:

  • Websites must comply with U.S. laws, ensuring they do not engage in illegal activities.
  • Copyright laws must be respected, and the site should not host pirated or unauthorized content.
  • Content must adhere to public moral and ethical standards, avoiding materials that could be considered offensive or inappropriate.

These requirements ensure that all websites in ReputePost’s marketplace maintain a high standard, making them attractive options for buyers seeking quality placements.

5.19. If a publisher removes their website before an order is completed, the payment for that order will be refunded to the buyer.

5.20. Publishers are prohibited from operating multiple accounts. To prevent such practices, ReputePost reserves the right to restrict new transactions from accounts that are identified as duplicates of existing ones. 

ReputePost will not approve new accounts that replicate an existing account. If multiple accounts belonging to the same publisher are identified, ReputePost will consolidate these accounts into a single account.

5.21. Publishers are encouraged to add their sites via the three specified methods on ReputePost's platform. Before uploading, Publishers must agree to the Terms and Conditions.

6. Refund Policy


  • Pricing Unit: Transactions on ReputePost are processed in platform credits; 1 credit equals 1 USD.
  • Payment Methods: Users can add credits via PayPal or credit cards.
  • Refundability: Once credits are purchased, the payment is non-refundable.
  • Refund Eligibility: Users can request a refund within 30 days if a mistake in payment is suspected.
  • Refund Limitation: No refunds will be issued for transactions older than 30 days.


6.2. Once a payment for an order is made, it is generally non-refundable. However, if there is an issue with how the order was fulfilled, the buyer can file a dispute. ReputePost will then review the case and make a decision. If the decision favors the buyer, the amount paid will be refunded into the buyer's ReputePost account balance, which can only be used for future transactions on the platform.

7. Limitation of Liability

ReputePost shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, resulting from the use or the inability to use the services or any other matter relating to the service. This limitation of liability applies regardless of the legal theory giving rise to the damages, and even if ReputePost has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

8. No Warranty

ReputePost does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information and materials provided on this platform. All services and data are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Clients are solely responsible for verifying the adequacy and legality of any content they order.

9. Indemnification

By using ReputePost's services, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ReputePost, its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with your access to or use of the services or content, or your violation of these Terms and Conditions.

10. Third-Party Links

ReputePost may include links to external websites or content that are owned and operated by third parties. ReputePost does not endorse or assume any responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services. You acknowledge and agree that ReputePost shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such websites or services.

11. Account Termination

ReputePost reserves the right to terminate or suspend your account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms and Conditions. Activities involving inappropriate content or behavior, as determined by ReputePost, may also lead to suspension or termination of services.

