

Buyers Frequently Asked Questions

Orders can only be canceled before the seller accepts them. Once an order is accepted, you will need to contact the seller directly to negotiate a cancellation. Please note that cancellation policies may vary by seller.


If you’re not satisfied with the work delivered, you can request revisions from the seller through your order dashboard. If issues persist, you can file a dispute, and our support team will assist you in resolving the matter.


To create an order, ensure you have sufficient funds in your ReputePost account. Log into your account, navigate to the marketplace page, select a service offered by a seller, and then follow the prompts to specify your requirements and submit your order.

To add funds, go to your account dashboard, select the 'Add Funds' option, choose your payment method, and follow the instructions to complete the transaction securely.

Yes, refund requests must be made within 30 days of the original transaction. No refunds will be processed for transactions older than 30 days.

ReputePost uses advanced encryption and security protocols to protect all transactions and personal data. We also comply with PCI-DSS standards for payment security.


To become a seller, register on ReputePost by providing a username and your email. Promptly you will receive a confirmation email with a system genrated password which you can reset later in your profile. If you could not find our email in your inbox please check your spam folder. Once you signed in for the first time you will be asked your intention to use our platform select the seller option.

Buyers can add funds to their accounts using credit cards, PayPal, or through direct balance transfers managed by ReputePost's administrative team if cash payments are made offline.


If you believe there has been a billing error or another substantial issue justifying a refund, you can request a refund within 30 days of the transaction. Please contact our support team with details of the issue, and they will assist you in processing a refund if applicable.

If a seller fails to deliver your order on time, the order can be automatically canceled, and your funds will be refunded to your ReputePost balance. You may also choose to contact the seller or our support team to request an extension.


You will receive a notification via email and on your ReputePost dashboard when a seller accepts your order. You can also check the status of your order by visiting the 'My Orders' section in your account.


ReputePost offers mediation for disputes between buyers and sellers. If a dispute resolution is in your favor as a buyer, the refund will be credited to your ReputePost account balance for future use on the platform.

If you encounter issues with an order that cannot be resolved directly with the seller, you can initiate a dispute. Our support team will review the case, consider both sides, and make a decision based on the order agreement and provided evidence.


Once credits are purchased on ReputePost, they are considered delivered and are non-refundable. This is because the transaction for purchasing credits is final once completed.

